23 November, 2011


Readers!! Sorry for totally neglecting my bloggie here! (I'm sure I've said that before =P)
I've been super busy with classes, research projects and lepaking.

Frankly speaking, I'm around Penang almost EVERYDAY. (please don't let my mom sees this)
Went to classes in the morning and after classes ended we went for lunch and ended up in the shopping malls. Everyday there were different plans for k-boxing, eating, shopping, movies and I don't know what will come next. We even went for Henna Menhendi. =D


And I took up make up classes. FOC. Curious?

 Teacher's make up skills are all from Taiwan! And every Saturday they will be teaching different make-ups. Super FUN.

Thanks to Debbie who brought me in as her model, or else I wouldn't have the opportunity to learn make up. Courses in make up schools are damn pricey. But now I can learn for free!!

If you are interested in make up or want to be my model, please contact me via Facebook or phone ^^

I will be updating my make ups and products next!

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